Fall Sweaters Under $100


Sweater weather is officially here! I love this time of year, before you need to break out the layers and jackets. The past few days in DC have been absolutely perfect: gorgeous and sunny with a cool breeze. It's the perfect temperature for jeans and a sweater and I hope it sticks around. I love investing in a few new sweaters every season and because I usually want  to purchase more than one or two, I stick with the ones under $100.

The new trends this season are ruffle sleeves and tie sleeves and I can't get enough! They both add such a feminine detail and look so chic. I encourage anyone thinking that they "can't pull it off" to just try. I had thought that before I purchased my first sweater with ruffle sleeves and I ended up LOVING the way it looked. I felt so dressed up and chic, it didn't feel like I was just wearing jeans and a sweater. And, if you're going to try it out, or for those of you who already love the trend, the under $100 price tags will keep your wallet happy. 

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