Bell Sleeves + Wearing White After Labor Day


Bell Sleeve Sweater | White Denim | YSL crossbody | Sunglasses | Cocktail RingSandals

Whoever said you couldn't wear white after labor day, was definitely wrong! I've been pairing my white denim with neutral sweaters as the weather starts to change and have loved the outcome. I've also been sucked into the bell sleeve trend and I really can't get enough. I usually don't spend a lot of money on trendy items because I never know how long they'll be in style, so when I saw this Free People sweater and its price tag I knew I had to have it. 

This shoot was also the first time I styled my new YSL bag which was my first designer handbag purchase EVER! It was a really large investment but I got it for my wedding events and never looked back. I bought it in a neutral color so I could wear it with everything all year long, which was basically how I justified the price tag. But I love that I bought it for myself and the sentimental value that it holds, having worn it on some of the best days of my life.